Monday, July 30, 2012

Enhancing Your Home Theater Experience

Nothing beats watching your favorite movie with the same theater experience at the comfort of your own living room.  With what’s happening outside our homes such as the recent Colorado killings, you would think twice if you can still be safe inside a public theater while watching a movie.   
Your home theater experience will never be complete if you don’t have the right components, speaker wires, mounts and stands.  Having that desired experience doesn’t have to be expensive.  It actually depends on your preference and definition of an experience.  Whatever type of home theater system you install, as long as it suits your requirements of an entertainments system, then it’s your “home Theater”.
So how do you really enhance the experience?  Follow these simple tips on how to boost the movie experience in your existing home theater system:
·      Invest on a carpet.  But before you purchase one, make sure that none of your family members are allergic to carpets or rugs.  You don’t want to end up getting irritated while watching the “Dark Knight”.  If you’re looking for a great bargain, know when is the good time to buy a carpet.  Buy during their slow seasons at around December 15 up to January 30th.  Look for a rug that will absorb the sound.
·      Plan your lighting.  Having a dimmer or darker room is much inviting when watching a movie.  No one wants to watch a great movie with all lights on.  Bad lighting can also cause glare on your screens, which can affect the experience.  Directional lighting is highly recommended.
·      Make sure that you block the light coming from the outside.  Using thick draperies and curtains should do the job.  A darker room is also advisable.  Use dark colored paint for your walls as this helps in reducing glare on the screen.
·      Using high speed HDMI cable will also help in enhancing the experience.  These cables help in providing clear and high quality audio and digital video output for your home theater. also sells Fiber Optic Cable if you also need a telephone, an Internet or a cable connection inside your home theater room.
·      Invest on comfortable seats.  This will seal the ultimate home theater experience.  You’re inside your theater to watch, enjoy and at the same time relax with your family and friends.  A home theater sofa or sectional would be comfortable especially if you are with your loved one.
Get the most out of what you have.  Share the experience with your loved ones.  Enhance your home theater experience now.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Importance Of Having A Security Camera Inside Cinemas

Who wouldn’t be alarmed with what happened inside a movie theater in Aurora Colorado?  This awful and horrendous massacre left 12 dead and injuring 58 people ranging from ages 6 to 51.  Aurora Police Chief said that this was planned well and took time before the execution day.  Chief of Police Dan Oates said and let me quote the shooting followed months of "calculation and deliberation," as Holmes received a "high volume" of deliveries of weaponry to both his work and home.  They also visited Holmes’ home and discovered multiple explosives that were installed as a booby trap and designed to kill the first person to enter and open the door.  Fortunately no police were hurt or killed during the investigation.
The movie premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises” resulted indeed to a dark night for the families who were affected by this gruesome crime.  Reports said that Holmes started shooting using his military rifle toward those who are fleeing the scene.  Police are still investigating why this unfortunate incident happened.
This is why it is very important to have security cameras inside movie theaters so that people managing these cinemas would see who are coming in and who are coming out.  With security cameras, you would know if people are bringing in rifles or anything that would cause such crime.  It is also very important to frisk everybody entering the cinema and have a tight security measure to avoid such incident.  Although this is still an ongoing issue of whether installing security cameras violates human rights and privacy, the point is it is important to have one especially in cases like this.
Surveillance cameras play a very vital role in the investigation and solving of crimes in today’s cruel world.  Police and investigators don’t have to rely on recollections of witnesses, which may sometimes hinder the investigation of the crime.  Just like this crime in Colorado, if there are cameras installed within the vicinity where the crime happened, it will easily help those who are investigating the scene.
People would say that you go inside the cinema to watch a film and not to be filmed by security cameras.  But with this current incident in Colorado, this may bring the issue of installing cameras inside cinemas to another level. also sells security cameras, connectors, video baluns and fiber optic cables for your cinema requirements.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Fiber Optic Cable And Its Advantages

Imagine a light traveling through a pipe coated with mirrors in every side.  No matter how long the pipe is, you will still see the light if it’s flashing or turned off.  This is how fiber optic cables work. Amazing.
These types of cables are like strands of optically pure glass, which carries digital signals at a long distance.  Replacing the copper wire as an appropriate means of communication signal transmission, these cables are now widely used in the telephone industry, cable TVs, electrical companies and a whole lot more.  This hair and thread like fibers transmit light pulses instead of electronic pulses, which a conventional copper wire does.  This makes fiber optic cables a better alternative in transmitting a signal.
Below are the advantages of using Fiber Optic cables:
·      It has a greater bandwidth compared to the conventional copper wire; hence, they carry more data.  Since the cables are thinner and lighter, it can transmit digital signal instead of the analog data.
·      Since these cables are too thin and very flexible, it is easier to install compared to a copper wire.  It would require lesser fire retardants when installing fiber optic cables inside a building through walls and cable ducts.
·      Fiber optic cables can be made to a non-conductive cable by removing any metal in its design. It is less likely to carry power surges and ground loops, which can hurt other wires and ultimately, the signal transmitted.  These cables are also good for industrial companies or oil refineries where air is contaminated with explosive vapors.  This kind of cable does not create sparks, which can trigger these vapors to explode and cause damages.
·      Conveying a message in the form of digital communication is much secure compared to the conventional copper wire.  These cables are highly secured and resistant to tapping, radio frequency interference and jamming.
·      If you need more space for your building, fiber optics are the best in space saving.  Since they are thinner and just like a hair strand, they will definitely occupy little space but will still carry huge amount of data due to its higher bandwidth. 
If you want secured communication and a reliable system, go for fiber optic cables.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Multi Tasking With The Help Of A Headset

Using a telephone headset is quite cumbersome considering that it’s wired and very limiting.  You cannot just drop whatever you’re doing when your phone rings.  Rather than ignoring those important calls, using a headset would really make a huge difference.  It will free your hands, allowing you to multi task during your precious time.
Here are some benefits when you’re using a headset:
1.  When you’re at work, it gives you the ability to move around and do other important things like using the computer while talking to your client.
2.  Using a headset would mean lesser voicemails and ignored calls, thus will increase your personal productivity.
3.  Headsets will lessen the risk of having back problems caused by long calls and bad posture.  It improves your ergonomics by enabling you to shift positions during the call.  Walking while on a headset will help you maintain a good voice and an articulate tone while having a very important conversation.  Walking around and using hand gestures while talking over the phone gives you a better chance of conveying the message to the other end with clarity and with feelings.
4.  Using a headset that covers both your ears, giving you a clearer and an uninterrupted conversation.  Headsets lessen any distracting noise, which is brought about by your work environment. 
5.  Driving while talking over the phone is one of the major causes of car accidents.  You cannot just ignore phone calls just because you’re driving, hence a need for a headset.  With the invention of Bluetooth headsets, driving while having a client call is now possible.  Just make sure that you’re eyes are still open while having that phone conversation to avoid vehicular accidents.
6.  The call center industry is probably the best example for multitasking with the use of headsets.  Their agents use desktops to email, chat and process data while talking to their customers.  Headsets are the lifeblood of any call center agent.  It helps them serve the customer with speed and clarity.
There is a direct correlation between technology and productivity.  Headset improves the user experience thus boosting user productivity and personal performance. also offers high quality fiber optic cables for your telephone line requirements.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Do’s And Don’ts In Setting Up Your Home Theater

With the recent trades that have happened in the NBA, it is but just full of excitement and surprises to watch the 2012 NBA Finals.  Recently Rashard Lewis and Ray Allen who were both teammates at Seattle Super Sonics signed up a new contract with Miami Heat, giving Heat a stronger outside shooting capabilities, which can catapult them to another championship.  LA Lakers also got Steve Nash and is still eyeing Dwight Howard to bag their next NBA championship.  There are a lot of trades happening in all the teams hence making the next NBA season a very exciting one.
Watching the next season will definitely be a blast and watching it with a high quality home theater system will definitely add to the excitement.  If you don’t have one yet, now is a perfect timing to get a new one and set it up before NBA season starts.  Here are some do’s and don’ts in setting up a home theater.
1.     Make sure that you read the instruction manual before you start with anything.
2.     Choose a theme for your theater.  Make sure that it suits your personality and your preference.
3.     Be keen on details.  Attend to the smallest priority.  Consider the lighting inside your room and the space that your home theater will occupy.
4.     Splurge on some things like the TV and the speakers and save on stuff like the carpet and the seats.
5.     Use dark colors for your home theater room.  This will be more inviting especially when you’re playing a movie.
1.     Don’t go over your budget.  Plan ahead to avoid blowing your savings.
2.     Don’t forget to check all connections.  Ensure that all components are connected to the TV and to the sound receiver.
3.     Don’t place your TV on a wall opposite windows.
4.     Don’t use cheap cables.  You should spend more on heavy-duty connectors and cables, which can give you better audio and video quality.
5.     Don’t forget to label all your wires and cables so that you would know which one is connected to the TV or to the audio receiver and which ones are connected to the DVD or the projector.  Labeling them would make your life easier.

Watch your favorite NBA team with your new home theater system and enjoy the exciting feeling that these teams will give you this coming season. also sells high quality fiber optic cables for your Internet and telephone requirements.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Celebrity Stalkers: A Sad Reality When You Are On Top Of The World

If you envy your favorite celebs, think twice.  It’s not all glitz and glamour.  Their Life on the other side is life threatening.  Have you heard of what happened to Madonna mid last year?  Her London home was broken while she was out and the worst part is, Madonna’s house has the most sophisticated security system and still was penetrated by a stalker.  If you have a security camera installed in your houses, make sure that it’s perfectly working and that your provider is regularly checking its condition.  Use high quality cameras and video baluns to ensure that no data is lost.
Madonna who travels a lot around the globe doing her concerts left and right has been the target of stalkers and paparazzi all over the world.  She even said that she’s not new to this kind of crazy stuff but nevertheless, these high profile clients should have impenetrable security systems installed in their houses.
According to leading Psychologist, there is a sickness called Erotomania and this is a special kind of fixation on someone else but in most cases, with celebrities.  People suffering from this think that the other person who is usually of high status, in this case a celebrity, loves them.  They think that this is some kind of a destiny.  According to Katherine Ramsland, Ph.D, she said that, “Only about ten percent of stalkers are erotomanic, but most are aggressive. They may send unwanted letters or packages, make numerous phone calls, or take up a pursuit. They might even break into a home. Sometimes they purposely endanger the object of their affection so they can offer rescue and be a hero.”
Even the famous FaceBook founder Mark Zuckerberg is now being stalked online.  He was followed and threatened by Manukonda who is now restrained to go near the famous social media empire.
Now this one is funny. Britney Spears was stalked and her house was trespassed by a former American Idol contestant named Miranda Tozier-Robbins.  This 26 years old contestant was caught right after, but was still unclear with why she was there.
Celebrities are not the only ones being stalked. Get top grade quality security cameras. Equip them with a video balun so you all movements are captured clearly.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

How to Clean Your LCD Screens

Question:  I have a new Flat screen TV on my wall and I just noticed that after a few weeks of using it, there are smudges and dust particles on the screen.  Since this is my first flat screen, I just want to be careful with it.  How do I go about cleaning it?  Can I do the same cleaning that I did with my CRT? 
Answer:  Flat screen TVs are not like your traditional CRTs.  Whether it's LCD, LED or Plasma, it would require extra care.   To begin with, screens of LCDs are not as tough as the screen used for your CRTs.  Cleaning these CRTs are just like cleaning a normal glass in your home.  LCDs are more sensitive and very thin thus requiring added attention when cleaning.  Aside from being expensive and sleek looking, flat screens are energy and space savers, hence proper maintenance is highly prioritized.
Below are some tips on how you can take care of your flat screens:
Make sure that you read the manual that comes with the unit.  Following the manual is the surest way to maintain it and to ensure that you don't just break the screen and cause you your warranty.
1.     Make sure that it's turned off.  It will help you see all smudges, oil and dust that are on the screen.  This will allow your screen to cool off before damping it with a wet wipe.  Some would even recommend that you unplug it.
2.     Use soft, lint-free cloth instead of tissue or paper towels as this may possibly scratch the screen.  Make sure that you go through the manual, as some manufacturers would not advise that you use wet cloth.  Don’t push the cloth towards the screen as this may damage the screen and might cause pixels to burn.
3.     You can use distilled water to wet your cloth before wiping the screen.  Again go back to the manual and check for the required liquid cleaner if they have it.
Aside from cleaning your screen with a lint-free cloth, you can also use a vacuum cleaner.  Aside from LCD screen cleaners, PI Manufacturing also sells video baluns for your security camera requirements.Take care of your LCD!  Cleaning it the right way is way cheaper than damaging the screen.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Headsets And Movie Stars

Telephone and mobile headsets have played a huge part in movies since its creation.
Headsets have been used in different industries since the early 50s.  Nathaniel Baldwin who was a student of Stanford University invented the headphones, however, it was just after the World War 2 that it has gained popularity.  From Herbert ‘Mac’ McClelland’s wireless microphone worn by baseball umpires during the 60s down to Platonic’s’ space headsets to today’s Bluetooth technology, headsets are still vital to several industries.
Wearing a headset signifies control and power.  It envisions command over conversations.  When we are talking about movies, a headset implies military, espionage and aviation genres.  Tom Cruise, a multi awarded and highly acclaimed American actor and producer used headsets in almost all his action films such as his recent blockbuster movie Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.  Vying Rhymes would usually give directions to Tom through the use of a headset.  Another action film, which featured Platonic’s M130-series headset was James Bond’s Die Another Day movie played by Pierce Brosnan.
Although it is mostly seen worn by men as operatives or as a spy or a secret CIA agent in action, its use is not limited to men.  It is also seen in films wherein it was used by women just like in the movie Source Code.  Vera Farmiga who played the role of a Chief Operator and became the link of Jake Gyllenhaal between the virtual world of the Source Code and the outside world.  Another action movie played by a woman with a headset was Denzel Washington’s Unstoppable.  Here you would see Rosario Dawson playing the role of a liaison officer and a link between Denzel and the rest of the rescue team.
Aside from telephone and mobile headsets, PI Manufacturing Corp also offers high quality video baluns that are also used in movies especially movies that involve using security cameras.
Whether they’re riding a helicopter, using a fast car or jumping from a tall building, headsets have played a vital role in making great movies.  It changes the whole scene and it creates excitement and thrill.