Monday, February 27, 2012

Wireless Security Camera Options: Using a Computer as a Monitor

Conventional security cameras are typically monitored using closed circuit television (CCTV) monitors, often connected via video baluns. However, not all homes can afford CCTV monitors because they do cost a bit more pricy. In these times of economic downturn, families still want to feel safe in their own homes without spending too much on surveillance systems. Fortunately, a more practical alternative is available – using computers as monitors.

It is possible, though video baluns and other connections may not be used. In fact, you may need additional hardware but they wouldn’t cost as much as CCTV monitors. One option that you could look into is wireless security cameras and they can be used with computers, offering a more streamlined connection. If you are looking into setting up your computer as a monitor for your home security system, here’s what you need to do:

1. Wireless security cameras can work with computer monitors via a wireless network router. With your router, just attach the wireless webcam security camera with another Ethernet cable.

2. Once you’ve done so, install the wireless security camera using the program that came with the camera. This program will allow you to configure the computer so you can access the camera directly from it. It will also prepare the camera for wireless security monitoring.

3. After preparing the wireless security camera on the computer, you can now remove the Ethernet cable. You should only need this to configure the camera.

 4. You may now install the webcam on entrances, exits, or any location you wish to do so. If you need help in finding the best locations to install security cameras, check out our previous post to help you decide.

5. Once the security camera has been installed, you can now monitor the webcam using the software you used.

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