Friday, March 30, 2012

Surveillance Societies in the World [MAP]

Below is a map that shows what nations are currently using CCTV systems, video baluns, and DVR surveillance systems to protect their residential homes and commercial establishments.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Use of CCTV Systems Around the World (Part II)

A couple of weeks ago, we discussed the use of surveillance systems around the world, thanks to a recent study conducted by Surveillance & Society. The United Kingdom is one of the biggest consumers of video baluns, CCTV cameras, and surveillance systems, with cameras totaling to around 4.2 million. In both Europe and the United States, surveillance systems are more prevalent in the private sector than for public security. However, shops, banks, restaurants, and schools are now beginning to appreciate the value of CCTV cameras.

Today, we focus on other countries like Australia, South Africa, China, and the Middle East and find out how they maximize video baluns, CCTV cameras, and surveillance systems.

In Australia, the number of cities increased from a mere 13 in 1996 to 33 in 2002. The public transport system also uses CCTV surveillance. For example, the New South Wales state railway employs 5500 cameras at over 300 stations while the state busses have cameras in all 1900 of them.

In South Africa, the death of a passenger prompted the South African Railway Commuter Corporation to install four CCTV cameras on each of the 4,500 train carriages to prevent another incident such as the aforementioned from happening again. Additionally, all commercial venues such as casinos, hotels, and banks use CCTV cameras. It is quite interesting to note that ATM banks do not have surveillance systems.

China is developing a wide-scale launch of a national surveillance infrastructure in the form of the Golden Shield Project. The project aims to “to build a nationwide digital surveillance network, linking national, regional and local security agencies with a panoptic web of surveillance.” Large malls, squares, theatres, and entertainment venue are just some of the highly-populated area that the project aims to closely monitor.

Finally, in the Middle East, the use of surveillance system is geared towards the protection against terrorists and protecting commercial establishments come a close second.

As you can see, surveillance systems are now widely used around the world, mostly for protection purposes. Invest in one now. Purchase active or passive video baluns, CCTV cameras, and surveillance systems to protect your business and residential homes against potential threats. SOURCE

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Glimpse of Casino Surveillance Systems

This is how a typical security room found in casinos looks. It gives you an idea on how extensive the industry's surveillance system is.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Surveillance and Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC]

Surveilance systems, installed with video baluns, are now being compromised because of social media. This infographic explains why and how it happens.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Why You Should Invest in a DVR Surveillance System

If you own a business establishment or a small home office and currently use the VHS to record your CCTV system, maybe it’s time to take it up a notch. DVR surveillance systems, equipped with video baluns and other equipment, is the latest technology when it comes to CCTV. In case you haven’t noticed, using VHS CCTV systems require you to change the tapes twice a day and that may cost a lot for your business, especially if you just starting up. While it’s true that the initial cost of standard VHS CCTV systems is cheaper, investing in DVR surveillance systems are actually more advantageous in the long run.

Aside from the huge quality difference, switching to DVRs also saves you time and storage because you no longer have to spend countless hours changing tapes and storing them in your basement or storage area. Going digital is simply the way to go and here are more reasons why:

As mentioned earlier, getting started with digital video recorders may cost a little bit more expensive than using standard VHS tapes but in the long run, it will actually save you tons of money. As long as you have passive or active video balun, 1-4 security cameras, and a DVR unit, you are good to go. If you can’t install the surveillance system yourself, you can always ask for technical support from the people you purchased the equipment from.

Compared to a VHS tape which you would need to change every day, perhaps even twice a day if the need arises, a DVR can store data for up to 180 days. It is stored digitally, which means that there is no need to keep stacks of VHS tapes in your storage room anymore. If you need to review a certain time or day, all it takes is one click. Controlling a DVR Surveillance system is also easy. You don’t have to be physically present and you are guaranteed to record data even if you are away.

Secure your business with a DVR surveillance system today. offers a wide selection of video baluns, security cameras, and DVR surveillance products at affordable prices.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Use of CCTV Systems Around the World (Part I)

Surveillance & Society, a journal dedicated to Surveillance Studies recently released an editorial on the evolution of CCTV systems around the world and how their functions have advanced over the years. Yes, there is such a thing as Surveillance Studies, a discipline that focuses on researching the growing use of surveillance all over the globe. Surveillance Studies not only touches on camera surveillance, video baluns, biometrics, and border controls, it also discusses monitoring, tracking, and everything else that has to do with surveillance research.

Clive Norris, Mike McCahill, and David Wood surveyed the growth of closed-circuit television systems or CCTVs around the world and here is a brief summary of what the study revealed.

The United Kingdom, for example, is known to be the “the most surveilled country” in the whole of Western states, according to the Surveillance Studies Network. The research revealed that by 2003, around £250 million of public money have been used on CCTV, though some of the systems were also installed in schools, hospitals, and transport facilities. Currently, Norris and McCahill guestimate the total number of cameras in the UK to be around 4.2 million.

In Europe, the use of CCTV systems in public areas is commonly seen in shops, banks, restaurants, bars, and transport terminals. With the UK having over 40,000 surveillance systems in public spaces, European cities only probably have less than 1000.

In the United States, CCTV systems were first employed to monitor pedestrian traffic in downtown and residential districts. It grew in 2003, when parks, malls, monuments, and schools were also installed with surveillance systems. Just like Europe, the growth in surveillance system usage is more predominant across the private sector.

While this post focused on the more urbanized nations, next week we look at other countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Russia, China, Japan, and more.


Friday, March 9, 2012

FAQs: Using Security Cameras in the Workplace

Security cameras and CCTV systems are frequently installed in the workplace, complete with video baluns to save on cable expenses. Because of the benefit s of installing security cameras and CCTV systems in both small offices and larger corporations, more and more companies are beginning to invest in this method of business security. However, there are certain technical and policy issues that employers are sometimes unaware of. Here are a couple of questions that will help you make the right choices when it comes to the use of surveillance systems in the workplace.

Is it possible to monitor my business and respect the privacy of my employees at the same time?

Protecting your business against theft, robbery, violence, and even drug use are just some of the reasons why companies are encouraged to install security cameras with video baluns in their buildings and offices. To prevent overstepping the privacy of your employees, it is best to explain this new initiative to them. Make them aware that security cameras are now in place to protect the company from all possible damages that can be done. This can be done by email, a written memo, or a meeting. You can also require your employees to acknowledge the surveillance policy to make sure that you do not encounter legal problems in the future.

What options are available to me in terms of technology and security cameras?

Because of today’s technology, there are so many options that employers can choose from when it comes to security cameras. For example, recording in direct sunlight is a challenge because direct light can easily ruin your videos and these you cannot use when you need to look for something or someone that only the video can answer. Today, there are certain security cameras that allow recording under bright lights through backlight compensation. The use of DVRs also makes it possible to record directly to a hard drive from up to 32 cameras. State-of-the-art DVRs now even offer facial recognition, museum searches, and abandoned object analysis to make investigation easier.

Security cameras, CCTV systems, and video baluns offer your business better defense against evildoers. Employees are now aware that surveillance systems are everywhere so it should not be a problem when it comes to privacy. Additionally, research the options available to you to maximize your surveillance system.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Balun Wiring Chart FAQ [VIDEO] teaches you how to wire video baluns by offering a chart and answering a few FAQs.

Friday, March 2, 2012

How to Work with Video Baluns gives you an example of how video baluns attach with other parts of security systems.