Friday, October 19, 2012

Choosing The Best Computer Accessories

Having a computer without and Internet connection or a printer is like having a car without a steering wheel.  But with today’s technology, computers are not just for printing, writing a document or for storing data.  Technology has raised the bar.  It has moved up to the next level of experience, which includes interactive gaming and home entertainment. 
On another note, fiber optic cables are now being studied to possibly transmit data in short distances and eventually in smaller components.  Objective of the study is to use fiber optics to speed up PCs.  And with these ongoing studies, in seven to ten years time, you would see and experience a different level of processing, gaming and entertainment.
Going back to computer accessories, if you are looking for an upgrade for your current PC, going online will give you a wide array of cool and exciting computer accessories such as cooling devices, computer case, industrial chassis or even your speakers and storage solutions.  But on top of these accessories that are up for grabs, there are accessories that are on top of the list when it comes to upgrading the experience.  Listed below is a list of these accessories:
1.     Laptop bags – this changed the way laptops are viewed now a day.  Having a fashionable laptop bag is now a must.  It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, each has individual preferences when it comes to the type of bag that will carry their laptop.  Bags come in different colors and styles.  Most of the manufacturers have also customized the size that will accurately fit the size of the laptop whether it’s a 13”, 15” or a 17” notebook.  One can also choose if it will be for corporate, casual or sporty use.
2.     Speakers – computers are not only for data processing but are now being used as a form of entertainment.  Having quality speakers is a must.  Corporate presentations are now using speakers in playing videos as part of the visual presentation.  Have you heard of the word edutainment?  It is the use of multimedia in teaching and in the learning experience of the audience and this would require the use of dependable speakers.
3.     Gears for Gaming – using your mouse or your keyboard are old school.  If you have been using these accessories, you’re missing the fun.  Gaming gears are now a huge hit.  There are racing wheels and joysticks that are connected to the computer that will give you a different kind of gaming experience.  Have you heard of the “force feedbacks”?  This sends vibrations to the accessory to reflect the action on your computer giving you a more realistic and exciting experience.
4.     Web Cams – you don’t have to rely on still pictures and snail mails.  Gone are the days when it was too difficult to communicate with someone who is a thousand miles away from you.  Webcams allow you to view the person your communicating with real time by using Skype, Facetime or other appications available.  It also allows you to take pictures without the use of a real camera.
5.     Wireless Gears – who would want a room full of clutter?  With today’s wireless technology, you don’t have to have multiple connections to transfer data or receive data.  There is Bluetooth technology that allows the user to be connected to another device and share files in the absence of wires or connectors.  Now you can buy a wireless mouse, keyboard and a mouse pad.
6.     External Drives – you don’t have to worry about space if you have big files that need to be stored.  External storage drives are readily available in the market with different bytes depending on your size requirement.  You don’t have to worry about crashes and missing data.  You can now perform backups to protect data from possible loss.

Installing these devices is not too difficult.  Read the manual before buying any device to make sure that you are purchasing the right device that will fit your PC or Laptop.  You can buy online but make sure that you get it from a reputable company.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Good To Know About Printer Cables

With today’s technology and with the era of wireless connections, which is so in demand right now, printer cables are somehow nearing the extinction years.  Despite this fact, these connectors are still widely used especially in offices where the demand for a printed output is still very high.  Printer cables come in a wide array of styles and resolutions but you wouldn’t see such cable that are made out of fiber optic cable.  Main reason is that these optic cables are expensive and are generally used for long distance transmission of data.  Fiber optics is compatible for protocols such as ATM, Ethernet, Infiniband, Internet Protocol and Fibre Channel.
So what is the main function of a printer cable?  These cables are used to connect the computer (desktop or laptop) to the printer itself for the purpose of producing and executing printing assignment coming from the computer.
Printer cables have progressed throughout time.  From parallel to serial to what we have now as USB cables, indeed printer cables are also evolving with technology.  Listed below are the types of printer cables.
1.     Parallel Printer Cable – this is common to old generation printers.  This cable has 2 parallel connectors that are in general limited to dot matrix and the older model of inkjet printers.  Although there are still users of this type of cable, it is not as efficient as the newer types of printer cables.
2.     Serial Printer Cable – this type connects the computer to the printer through a serial port.  If you notice a cable with 9 or 25 pins on either end, this is the serial cable.  They are used for high mass printing needs, as they are the fastest cable available today.  Take note that not all computers have the ability or the port to connect to a serial printer cable.
3.     Firewire Printer Cable – this cable is generally used for camcorders or cameras as they transfer data in a faster way and can be easily connected.
4.     USB Printer Cable – so far this is the most efficient printer cable in terms of speed and high mass printing.  You would usually see these cables at home as they are used with on personal ink jet and desk jet printers.  Cheap and yet very efficient, a value for money.
Buying printer cable is not that difficult.  You just have to check the ports of your printer and your desktop or laptop.  Make sure that you measure the length that you need to be able to connect your PC to your printer.  Always ensure that cables are properly installed to avoid any accidents.  Buy high quality and dependable printer cables as this may affect your printing requirements.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

State Laws On Mobile Phone Usage While Driving

Using your mobile phone while driving is not only dangerous but it can cause greater damage even to the point of deathAccording to a study released by the National Safety Council in January 2010, a staggering 28% of all car accidents in the United States are caused by drivers using cell phones. The vast majority of those crashes, 1.4 million annually, are caused by cell phone conversations, and 200,000 are blamed on text messaging, according to the report from the council, a nonprofit group recognized by congressional charter as a leader on safety in the United States.  Just like protecting signal and ensuring that quality is not lost while transmitting by using a fiber optic cable, law enforcement are now stricter in ensuring that mobile phone usage while driving a car is prohibited and offenders are apprehended to endure that lives are not lost with this mere negligence. 
Majority of U.S. states have restrictions on drivers’ use of handheld electronics.  In Alaska, drivers are prohibited and banned from watching videos and texting.  In California, drivers are allowed to use their mobile phones should they have hands free accessories that come with their mobile phones.  One example of these hands free accessories is the Universal Windshield Mount Holder for Smartphones with 360° Rotation.  This accessory can help the driver to hold their Smartphone securely while talking to someone using a Bluetooth or a headphone that are also hands free.  Imagine the advantage of not having to worry if you will be caught or you will hit another car while using your mobile phone; this is one benefit of using a hands free accessory.
In Georgia, text messaging is banned for all drivers.  They were also particular in this state that all bus drivers are prohibited to using their mobile devices while driving especially when they have passengers.  In Michigan and in some other states, it is prohibited to use mobile phones while driving without the use of hands free devices.  While in some other states texting is prohibited if you’re 18 years old and under, in Missouri they have raised the bar when it comes to age.  Drivers whose age are 21 and under are prohibited from text messaging while driving. 
It’s totally different when you’re in New Mexico and Montana.  There are not limits when it comes to text messaging and cell phone use.  In some states like Utah, no one will be considered an offender by just merely using mobile phone devices while driving unless this is accompanied by violating another law like driving in the wrong lane or running through a red light or other moving violation other than speeding.
There may be a few studies that will prove that using mobile phone accessories will aid in preventing car accidents but it is better that having to use hold you device on your left or right hand while leaving your other hand to do all the work while driving.  Using Bluetooth, Smartphone mount holder or a earphones can definitely help you in focusing more on the road rather than holding the device.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Urgency Of Having A Security Camera In Times Of Disorder

Recent attacks in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi that killed the US ambassador and three other Americans last Tuesday, the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda attacks on the United States will force you to install security cameras especially in places that are prone to these types of chaos. 
Various organizations now are into fiber optical surveillance systems to achieve security goals.  These types of surveillance cameras will allow you to monitor areas in different lighted conditions (day or night) without losing quality of the video.  Fiber optic cables make this thing possible.Are you still safe amidst terrorism that is so rampant nowadays?  Having peace is no longer the concern, how to stay safe should be the underlying question.  Yes security cameras will not keep you totally safe but it will somehow make the perpetrators think twice before doing the crime.  It will make them think if they are really up for the challenge and the consequence of committing the crime.
Just like the Dark Knight Rises incident, which happened in Aurora, there were security cameras installed that also helped local police to identify and catch the criminal.  According to the news, the gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms, killing 12 people and injuring 58 others, the highest number of casualties in an American mass shooting.  A crime that cannot be ignored, a crime that needs to be resolved.
So how secured are you when you have security cameras?  What are the benefits of having one in your office, at home or in market places? 
1.     First benefit is having an eye on every motion that will happen at home, in your office or in any establishment that you wish you have a camera.  Instead of hiring multiple security guys that will guard every corner of your home, this is more efficient and cheaper.
2.     Next is monitoring.  You can now monitor your store and use this as a tactical move to prevent theft from happening.  The camera will record suspicious looking goons that are in your store every day.  Good thing about having a security camera is that you can study even the past day’s operations. 
3.     With the technology that we have today, you can even view your home even if you are outside your home.  Business will never be an excuse to view what’s happening inside your office or inside your homes.  With a good Internet connection, you can now monitor even if you are out and surfing.  You can monitor your employees if they are doing their jobs while you’re out there transacting new business.

4.     Peace of mind.  You don’t have to worry of who gets in and out of your house while you’re busy working.  You would know who comes in and comes out of your office without having to stay on the door all day long.  If there any suspicious looking guys entering your lobby, you would already know if you need to call 911 or not.
Securing yourself doesn’t mean you lack faith.  You are just being a good steward of what was entrusted to you by protecting what is important and valuable.  Buy and install you security camera now

Monday, October 1, 2012

Choosing The Right Speaker Wire Cable For Your Audio System

The effects of speaker wires on the quality of audio has been a long debated topic in the audiophile and hi fidelity worlds.  But then again, it’s all about marketing and brand positioning.  To make sure that you get the right speaker wire cable, ask your speaker provider for the best wire available that will be compatible with the speakers that you have right now.
On a side note, there are rumors online that a Japanese company is trying to make a fiber optic cable speaker wire.  If this were true, imagine the quality of sound it can produce.  But since this is just rumor, conventional speaker wire cables are still here to stay.
Going back to choosing the right speaker wires, with so many choices that are out in the market, narrowing down your options is a bit difficult.  But it doesn’t also mean that you just buy the most expensive brand available to ensure quality audio performance.  Always remember that price and quality in respect to speaker wire cables are not relative.
While price and quality are not relative, it is also essential that you choose don’t settle for cheap ones as they might not be compatible with the type of audio system that you have.   The only thing that is important is that the wire is the ideal gauge. As long as the level of resistance and capacitance is in line, you'll get the quality results with your audio system.
Here are some guidelines on how you can choose the right speaker wire cable for your system:
1.     Length and Wire Gauge – due to budget constraint, some would opt for a regular electrical wire rather than buying a speaker wire cable.  Electrical wires use copper that is of less quality and are prone to rusting.  The gauge indicates the thickness of the speaker cable, the lower the gauge the thicker the wire is.  If you’re just setting up for your home audio system, 14-18 gauge would be sufficient.  For the length, the shorter the cables are, the better the sound quality of thinner wires. 
2.    Plugs – these are sometimes called optional connectors.  Dual banana plugs will provide you with the best audio quality if you’re using a five way binding posts.  Pin and spade connectors are also of good quality.
3.    Shielding – these are audio speaker filters which protects your audio from interference.   Unshielded speaker wire cables cannot function properly although shielded cables can still have interference if they only have one inner conductor instead of having two.
4.     Copper Wire - better wire may have superior quality metals that increase conductivity. 
There are several factors to consider when buying the right speaker wire cable that will give you quality audio.  What’s important is your preference when it comes to audio quality. Check the manual of your speakers.  It usually comes with a recommendation for the most suitable wire.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Securing Your Home By Using A Spy Camera

Have you ever thought of becoming a spy agent when you were a kid?  In reality becoming a spy is not just a childish fantasy.  In today’s world of uncertainties, one has to be vigilant and alert in terms of securing the home especially your loved ones.  Having a spy camera in different forms will help you do that.  These spy cameras usually use fiber optic cable to transmit digital images to the camera.
Now a day, you cannot just rely on locks and chains for securing your house.  Sometimes the people inside your house are the ones committing the crime.  In any case, a spy camera will help you prevent the crime as early as possible. 
Watching the news would really scare you.  Household helps or nannies are not just stealing from their employers; they are also abusing the kids that are left at home by their employer for them to take care.
Will having spy cameras help in preventing these incidents?  What are the advantages of having one at home?  Listed below are some benefits of having a spy camera at home:
1.     Kid’s safety – ensuring that your kids will not be abused by your nannies while you guys are working.  In return, you will have a great time working without worrying of what is happening at your house.  The spy camera will let you know all the details that you need when you get home.  This will also tell you if you will still get the same nanny or not.
2.     Good night rest – having a spy camera will let you sleep tight at night.  Make sure that you check if you spy camera can record clearly even in dark places.  This will also help you determine who gets and finishes your milk and cookies at night.
3.     Protection from thieves – this will allow you to catch those thieves especially while you are away or sleeping.  Don’t be surprised though if you see your wife getting money from your wallet or your kids getting all your loose change.
4.     Real time viewing – check for spy cameras, which has this feature.  You will have the luxury of vacation without even worrying of your house getting robbed.  You would also know if you’re kids are having parties while you and your wife are out of town enjoying your anniversary getaway.  

Monday, September 24, 2012

How Cool Is A Laptop Cooling Pad

Overheating due to longer hours of using a laptop is one of its worst enemies.  If you want your laptop to last longer even if you’re using it extensively, a cooling pad would be necessary.  An inventor named Rakesh Bhatia who patented his invention more than a decade ago originally designed the cooling pad.  His intention was to keep the laptop cool while using it on your lap or on top of your desk for longer hours.
There are two types of cooling pads, one is passive and the other is active.  The passive cooling pad is made out of materials that extract heat from the laptop.  It doesn’t require any electrical input to cool your laptop.  Some are tilted to allow air to flow freely beneath the laptop, achieving the same result, which is to keep it cool.  The active cooling pads uses fans, which are commonly electrically powered and directed towards the bottom part of the laptop.  These fans are powered through the laptop itself by using USB cables.
So what are the benefits of using a cooling pad for your laptop?  Listed below are some of the benefits of using this pad:
1.     It prevents your laptop from overheating.  This will lengthen that lifespan of your notebook.
2.     It will prevent it form locking up while you are working.  Yes your laptop may not crash outright but it may shut down from time to time due to overheating. 
3.     Your files are safer when you have a cooling pad.  Overheating as discussed can crash your computer that can damage your file.  When you laptop shuts down unexpectedly, files can be lost as well.
4.     You will not worry about your legs getting warmer while using your laptop over your lap.  This unwanted heat may cause you skin irritation if done regularly.
5.     It is more stable to use a cooling rather than using your lap as a stand.  This will prevent your laptop from falling and crashing.
Don’t take it lightly.  Be proactive.  Buy your cooling pad now and start enjoying its benefits.  PIMFG also offers high quality and durable fiber optic cables online.